琉球大学病院 第三内科


  1. Ohya Y. A strategy for obesitycontrol: repetition is the key.
    Hypertens Res May34(5):548, 2011
  2. Kohagura K, Ohya Y. Earlydetection and prediction by biomarkers of acute kidney injury after cardiacsurgery.
    Circ J 76(1): 53-4, 2012.
  3. Ishida A, Miyagi M, Kinjo K,Ohya Y. Age- and sex-related effects on ankle–brachial index in a screenedcohort of Japanese. the Okinawa Peripheral Arterial Disease Study(OPADS).
    Eur. J. Prev. Cardiol 21(6):712-718, 2012.
  4. Isa K, Sakima H, Nakachi K,Kokuba K, Ishihara S, Tokashiki T, Ohya Y. High Glycated hemoglobin levelsand intracranial artery stenosis are predictive factors for earlymotorworsening events in patients with penetrating artery infarction.
    Eur Neurol 68:16-9, 2012
  5. Sugama C, Isa K, Okumura K,Iseki K, Kinjyo K, Ohya Y. Trends in the incidence of stroke andcardiovascular risk factors on the isolated island of Okinawa: The MiyakojimaStudy.
    J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 22(7):e118-23, 2012
  6. Sakima A, Ohya Y. We need moreevidence for antihypertensive treatment guided by home blood pressure.
    Hypertens Res Nov 35(11): 1048-50, 2012.
  7. Arnold AC, Sakima A, Kasper SO,Vinsant S, Garcia-Espinosa MA, Diz DI. The brain renin-angiotensin system andcardiovascular responses to stress: insights from transgenic rats with lowbrain angiotensinogen.
    J Appl Physiol Dec 15 113(12): 1929-36, 2012
  8. Iseki K, Asahi K, Moriyama T,Yamagata K, Tsuruya K, Yoshida H, Fujimoto S, Konta T, Ohashi Y, Watanabe T.Risk factor profiles based on eGFR and dipstick proteinuria: Analysis of theparticipants of the Specific Health Check and Guidance System in Japan2008.
    Clin Exp Nephrol 16: 244-249, 2012
  9. Iseki K. Evidence forasymptomatic microhematuria as a risk factor for the development ofESRD.
    Am J Kidney Dis 60: 12-14, 2012.
  10. Katsumata Y, Todoriki H,Higashiuesato Y, Yasura S, Willcox DC, Ohya Y, Willcox BJ, Dodge HH.Metabolic syndrome and cognitive decline among the oldest old in Okinawa: insearch of a mechanism. The KOCOA Project. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci Feb67(2): 126-34, 2012
  11. Tomiyama H, Kohro T, Higashi Y,Takase B, Suzuki T, Ishizu T, Ueda S, Yamazaki T,Furumoto T, Kario K, InoueT, Koba S, Watanabe K, Takemoto Y, Hano T, Sata M, Ishibashi Y, Node K,Maemura K, Ohya Y, Furukawa T, Ito H, Yamashina A. A multicenter study designto assess the clinical usefulness of semi-automatic measurement offlow-mediated vasodilatation of the brachial artery.
    Int Heart J 53(3): 170-5, 2012.
  12. Tsutsui M, Ohya Y, Sugahara K.Latest evidence in endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor research.
    Circ J Jun 25 76(7): 1599-600, 2012.
  13. 井関邦敏: 統計調査委員会-今後の期待-.
    透析会誌 45(9): 834-835, 2012.
  14. 伊佐勝憲, 阿部幸恵, 饒波正博ら: おきなわImmediateStroke Life Support(ISLS)コース 開催経験の検証と今後の課題.
    沖縄医学会雑誌 50: 42-45, 2012.


琉球大学病院 第三内科
〒903-0215 沖縄県中頭郡西原町字上原207番地
