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- Hidekazu Ikemiyagi:Which DES has the strongest radial force? Insights from experimental study.
EuroPCR2024, Paris, May14-17.2024. - Akio Ishida:Association of obesity and metabolic health status with cerebral small vessel disease in stroke-free individuals.
ESC Congress 2024, London, Augusut 31.2024. - Ayane Miyagi:Feasibility of quantitative evaluation of hemodynamics using SPECT/CT in patients with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension.
ESC Congress 2024, London, September 2.2024. - Kenya Kusunose:Artificial intelligence in echocardiography.
The 35th Great Wall International Cardiology Conference and Asian Heart Society Conference 2024, Beijing, Nov 7-10.2024.
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